Monday, May 14, 2012
Japanese Deities
In the game there is a sub-type known as "Spirit" monsters. Not many know this but some of these "Spirit" are based of Japanese Deities. Izanagi for example is one of them. What I don't understand is how come these monsters aren't more powerful?
They've made the egyptian god monsters and even the norse gods extremely powerful. So how come their own deities aren't even nearly as powerful?
Izanami is another of the deities. She is the goddess of creation and death and also the wife/sister of Izanagi.
Tsukuyomi is another of the deities. Also known as the god of the moon.
Susa Soldier is the only card I've seen so far that isn't properly named. It is supposedly "Susanoo" the god of the storm.
I didn't know this until recently, but "Suijin" is the japanese god of water. For years I have been using him in my "Water" deck and never realized that this whole time I was summoning the deity of water to the field. I'm not sure about the other "Gate Guardian" pieces, but from the looks of it I'm pretty sure they too are based of japanese deities.
There's probably a ton more cards that I failed to cover here. So if anyone knows of any cards that I missed then be sure to let me know in the comment section. :D